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The Count of Monte Cristo 1

The Count of Monte Cristo has a very complex plot with lots of twists and turns and it is worth discussing to be sure we understand all of the events and how they interact with each other. View the movie trailer above and post your thoughts about it. Then go on to the next post.


  1. For this trailer, I belived that it was very thrilling. It also had lots of action.

    1. Aaliyah,
      I do partially agree with you however the trailer would have been way better if there was some sort of explanation.

  2. Landon~I can see there's a lot of action but the video quality is poor. Just from viewing the action, the quality, and the acting I can say confidently that this movie probably isn't good.

  3. I think this is a really good trailer. It is kind of hard to tell who the characters are though.

    1. I do agree with this comment and L would´ve liked to have jnown who these characters were

    2. It is pretty hard to tell who is who as we aren't given any names. This is a trailer that just shows part of the movie which can be confusing.

  4. Talon- It seems rather interesting would like to know more and wished it didn't end in a cliff hanger. I can not wait to watch and read what I just have seen

  5. From Alejandra; First of all, who are these people and why are they fighting? For sure one of them is Dantes. I'm guessing this happens later in the book, because I have no idea what's going on.

    1. I agree with Alejandra, one of them might be Dante but the other is still a mystery.

  6. Yubee Chang: This trailer is definitely interesting but what you see is confusing as you have no context other than that 2 people are fighting with swords.

  7. Aaliyah,
    In the movie Trailer I think that there should have been more than just a sword fight. I think this because since this book is so complicated the trailer could have been more descriptive. If I never read the book before I would have no idea what was going on.

    1. I totally agree, because there was no explaining that was done!

    2. Kylie- I totally agree, there was no explaining done at all!

    3. Talon- I agree with you Aaliyah. The trailer should have more part of the story to it like the prison and the characters didn't say much at all

  8. Ely Charqueno - What scene did the trailer show? Also, I noticed a sorta creepy guy staring from the window of the building the two men were fighting in front of. Maybe the two men fighting were Dantes and the Count of Monte Cristo or the Roman Bandit!

    1. I think the scene was later in the movie, and i saw the man you were talking about also-Kaelyn

  9. Kylie- The tralier was very entertaining. Although, they needed to explain who they were and why they were fighting, because I was confused as to what scene they were reffering to.

    1. Alejandra- That's so true but I think this scene happens later in the book.

    2. Matthew: I agree with Kylie because the trailer gives no clues as to what scene in the book they are referring to.

  10. Hadley

    I didn't really understand what was going on, and couldn't guess what scene this was. It was very old fashioned, but it captured my interest.

  11. I think this trailer doesn't really show anything about the movie, it only shows a scene of two people fighting. It could've shown more about the movie instead of one scene.- Kaelyn

  12. Matthew: The movie trailer was confusing because I couldn't tell who the characters were, I couldn't tell where they were, and I couldn't tell what scene they were in. That trailer was just in general bad because the only thing they were doing was sword fighting in a field with 2-4 people watching them.


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